Upcoming Mint

Upcoming Mint

1515 Nekos NFT are already landed Free into Market. Nekos is a digital art project that features unique and adorable cat characters. Each Neko is a non-fungible token (NFT) that can be collected, traded, or displayed as digital art.
Supply: 1515

Mint Price : Free

Team Details

Founder : Lukex

Artist : @DekuKun_00

Head Mod : @ShoukatBukhari2

Head Mod : @MISTIQ_XX

Detail with Utilities and Roadmap.

Don’t Look Over Banner Because Team has not Sleep well due to Mint that’s Why Words are Flying in CATMAP

# Phase – I

• Twitter
• Discord
• Build Community


• Collaboration
• Zealy
• Nekolist

# Phase – II
1515 Nekos Mint

20% Supply Reserved For Team, Partners & Giveaways

**Holder Verifications**

• Weekly Nft Raffles for Holders.
• Revenue share for 1/1 Holders from Royalties on Monthly Basis.
• Revenue share to Holders of Nekos From Royalties.
• Alpha Calls
• Premium Wl Raffles for Holders.

# Phase – III

• Voting Site Where we can share the upcoming Project details.

# Phase – IV

• Launch of Discord Bot Milk Marketplace.
• 50% Royalty from the Market Belongs to Holders of Nekos